The .netBC user group celebrated it's 5'th birthday on March 3, 2008. Soon after the group had it's 1500'th member when Hai Wang joined on April 5, 2008.
The Vice President of .netBC, Brian Pidcock, baked a pie for Hai Wang and presented it to him at our regular meeting on Tuesday May 6, 2008. Here is a picture of both Hai Wai and Brian Pidcock taken by a mobile phone:
Unfortunately, our speaker Dana Epp did not show up at that meeting held at BCIT in Burnaby, BC. When I contacted him the next day he said that he forgot about it. In the five years of the existance of our user group we never experienced a no-show by a speaker. I would like to apologize to those who attended for this unfortunate situation. John Bristowe of Microsoft Canada is sending me consolation gifts for those who came to this no-show meeting. These gifts will be delivered during our July 9, 2008 XNA event.