In this Tutorial, we will explore .NET Aspire. At first, we will use it with SQLite. Thereafter, we will modify the solution so that it uses a SQL Server Docker image instead of SQLite. All this is done in a terminal window with the help of VS Code. The objective is to serve those who do not use the higher end Visual Studio 2022 IDE.
In order to continue with this tutorial, you will need the following:
- .NET 8.0
- dotnet-ef tool - If you do not have this tool, you can install it with the terminal window command "dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef"
- Visual Studio Code
- Docker Desktop
- Azure Data Studio
.NET Aspire Setup
In any terminal window folder, run the following command before you install .NET Aspire:
dotnet workload update
To install the .NET Aspire workload from the .NET CLI, execute this command:
dotnet workload install aspire
Check your version of .NET Aspire, with this command:
dotnet workload list
Startup Application
We will start with a .NET 8.0 application that involves a Minimal API backend and a Blazor frontend. Clone the code from this GitHub site with:
git clone
To get a good sense of what the application does, follow these steps:
1) Inside the WebApiFIFA folder, run the following command in a terminal window:
dotnet watch
Try out the GET /api/games endpoint, you should see the following output:
2) Next, let us try the frontend. Inside a terminal window in the BlazorFIFA folder, run this command:
dotnet watch
We know that the application works. However, it is a pain to have to start both projects to get the solution to work. This is where .NET Aspire will come to the rescue.
Converting solution to .NET Aspire
Close both terminal windows by hitting CTRL C in each.
To add the basic .NET Aspire projects to our solution, run the following command inside the root SoccerFIFA folder:
dotnet new aspire
This adds these artifacts:
- SoccerFIFA.sln file
- SoccerFIFA.AppHost folder
- SoccerFIFA.ServiceDefaults folder
We will add our previous API & Blazor projects to the newly created .sln file by executing the following commands inside the root SoccerFIFA folder:
dotnet sln add ./BlazorFIFA/BlazorFIFA.csprojdotnet sln add ./WebApiFIFA/WebApiFIFA.csprojdotnet sln add ./LibraryFIFA/LibraryFIFA.csproj
Next, we need to add references in the SoccerFIFA.AppHost project to the BlazorFIFA and WebApiFIFA projects with these commands:
dotnet add ./SoccerFIFA.AppHost/SoccerFIFA.AppHost.csproj reference ./BlazorFIFA/BlazorFIFA.csproj
dotnet add ./SoccerFIFA.AppHost/SoccerFIFA.AppHost.csproj reference ./WebApiFIFA/WebApiFIFA.csproj
Also, both BlazorFIFA and WebApiFIFA projects need to have references into SoccerFIFA.ServiceDefaults with:
dotnet add ./BlazorFIFA/BlazorFIFA.csproj reference ./SoccerFIFA.ServiceDefaults/SoccerFIFA.ServiceDefaults.csproj
dotnet add ./WebApiFIFA/WebApiFIFA.csproj reference ./SoccerFIFA.ServiceDefaults/SoccerFIFA.ServiceDefaults.csproj
Inside the SoccerFIFA root folder, start VS Code with:
code .
Then, in the Program.cs files of both BlazorFIFA and WebApiFIFA, add this code before "var app = builder.Build();":
// Add service defaults & Aspire components.
In the Program.cs file in SoccerFIFA.AppHost, add this code right before “builder.Build().Run();”:
Now, the relative name for the API app is “backend”. Therefore, we can change the base address to http://backend. Change Constants.cs file in BlazorFIFA to:
public const string ApiBaseUrl = "http://backend/";
Test .NET Aspire Solution
To test the solution, in the SoccerFIFA.AppHost folder, start the application with:
dotnet watch
Using SQL Server instead of SQLite
Stop the running application by hitting CTRL C.
IMPORTANT: You will need to ensure that Docker Desktop is running on your computer because Aspire will start SQL Server in a container. Also, update your Docker Desktop to the latest version.
Add this package to the WebApiFIFA project:
dotnet add package Aspire.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -v 8.0.2
Also in WebApiSoccer project Program.cs file, comment out (or delete) this code:
builder.Services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
Place the below code just before builder.AddServiceDefaults():
In the same the Program.cs file, add the following code right before app.Run() to automatically run Entity Framework migrations during startup:
using (var scope = app.Services.CreateScope()) {
var context = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
} else {
app.UseExceptionHandler("/Error", createScopeForErrors: true);
// The default HSTS value is 30 days.
// You may want to change this for production scenarios, see
Cleanup the backend API project (WebApiFIFA) from all traces of SQLite by doing the following:
- Delete SQLite files college.db, college.db-shm, and college.db-wal.
- In WebApiFIFA.csproj, delete: <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite" Version="8.0.4" />
- Delete the Data/Migrations folder.
- Replace the connection string value for DefaultConnection in appsettings.json to:
dotnet ef migrations add M1 -o Data/Migrations
Configure AppHost to use SQL Server
The WebApiFIFA.AppHost project is the orchestrator for your app. It's responsible for connecting and configuring the different projects and services of your app. Add the .NET Aspire Entity Framework Core Sql Server library package to your SoccerFIFA.AppHost project with:
dotnet add package Aspire.Hosting.SqlServer -v 8.0.2
Replace the contents of the Program.cs file in AppHost project with the following code:
var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var sql = builder.AddSqlServer("sql")
var api = builder.AddProject<Projects.WebApiFIFA>("backend").WithReference(sql);builder.AddProject<Projects.BlazorFIFA>("frontend").WithReference(api);builder.Build().Run();
The preceding code adds a SQL Server Container resource to your app and configures a connection to a database called sqldata. The Entity Framework classes you configured earlier will automatically use this connection when migrating and connecting to the database.
Run the solution
After ensuring that your Docker Desktop is running, execute this terminal window command inside the SoccerFIFA.AppHost folder:
dotnet watch
Click on the highlighted link above. Our application works just as it did before. The only difference is that this time we are using SQL Server running in a container:
I hope you found this useful and are able to see the possibilities of this new addition to .NET.