Friday, July 24, 2020

Deploy Blazor SPA & Azure Functions API to Azure Static Web Apps (preview)

We have a new Azure service named "Azure Static Web Apps" that is, currently, in preview. This service was announced by Microsoft at Build 2020. It is essentially a lightweight solution for deploying a Single Page Application (SPA) together with an API service based on Azure Functions to a single site. This means that the SPA and the Azure Functions API reside in the same web application on Azure.

You can access the source code for this walkthrough from

Related Video:

In this post I will give you a step-by-step tutorial on how to develop an application with the following ingredients:
  • a Cosmos backend database
  • an Azure Functions REST API based on Node.js
  • a client-side Blazor application that represents the SPA
  • the API & SPA will be placed in a GitHub repository. A GitHub Actions workflow will then be used to deploy the code to a Azure Static Web App service
  • VS Code will be the editor used so that this tutorial will work on any OS including Linux, macOS and Windows
Here is a diagram of the eventual solution:

Whenever our code on GitHub is changed, a workflow kicks in that deploys the API and SPA to Azure Static Web Apps.

Before we proceed, it is assumed that you have the following:
  • a Microsoft Azure account
  • a GitHub account
  • Node.js is installed on your local computer
  • Postman will be used for testing our REST API
  • VS Code Editor is installed on your local computer


This is not a tutorial for Node.js, Blazor or GitHub. You do not need to be an expert in any of these technologies in order to follow this walkthrough.

First we will build & test our app on local computer before deploying it to Azure.

Host data in Azure Cosmos DB

Log into the Azure portal and click on the "+ Create a resource"  button.
Enter 'cosmos' into the filter input field then select "Azure Cosmos DB".

Click on the blue Create button.
On the "Create Azure Cosmos DB Account" page, enter the account details then click on "Review + create". This is what it looked like for me:

Click Create on the next confirmation page.

Once you click on Create, it will take a while before the database is provisioned. When provisioning is done, you will see the following under Notifications.

Click on “Go to resource” then click on Keys on the left-side navigation menu.

To access Cosmos DB from our application, we will need to obtain the first two values (URL and PRIMARY KEY):

Azure Functions CRUD REST API

Let us create our solution which will contain two projects:
  1. Azure Functions Rest API
  2. Client-side Blazor application
We will sbe tart with building the Azuree Functions REST API. Choose a suitable working directory on your computer then execute the following commands from a terminal window:

mkdir az-static-web-apps
cd az-static-web-apps
mkdir api
cd api
code .

The above commands create a solution directory named az-static-web-apps, create a sub-directory named api then open VS Code in the az-static-web-apps/api workspace.

Make sure you install the following 'Azure Functions' extension for VS Code:

In the left-side navigation menu in VS Code, click on the Azure icon.

In the FUNCTIONS popup menu, click on the "Create New Project..." icon.

Navigate to the newly created api folder.

Since we will be using Node.js to build our Azure Functions API, select JavaScript for the programming language.

Next, select HTTP trigger.

Provide function name products-get:

To keep things simple, we will use avoid authentication. Therefore, select Anonymous.

Hit F5 to run your function locally. CTRL + Click on the following link:

Stop the application by clicking on the Disconnect tool.

Edit function.json. Delete “post”. Also, just below the methods methods section, add:

"route": "products"

From within a terminal window inside the api folder, run the following commands to install the @azure/cosmos package:

npm install @azure/cosmos -save

Create a data folder under api and add to it a file named data-context.js. This new file will contain a module that is responsible for creating a Cosmos Database & a Container, if they do not already exist.

Add following code to data/data-context.js:

// This script ensures that the database is setup and populated correctly
async function create(client, databaseId, containerId, partitionKey) {

* Create the database if it does not exist
let { database } = await client.databases.createIfNotExists({
id: databaseId

console.log(`Created database:\n${}\n`);

* Create the container if it does not exist
let { container } = await client
{ id: containerId, partitionKey },
{ offerThroughput: 400 }

console.log(`Created container:\n${}\n`);

module.exports = { create };

Also, in the data folder, create another file named seed-data.js, which will be used to seed the database container with some sample product data consisting of name, description and quantity.

Add following code to data/seed-data.js:

const data = {
products: [
  name: 'Strawberries',
  description: '16oz package of fresh organic strawberries',
  quantity: '1',
  name: 'Sliced bread',
  description: 'Loaf of fresh sliced wheat bread',
  quantity: 11,
name: 'Apples',
description: 'Bag of 7 fresh McIntosh apples',
quantity: 12,
  name: 'Banana',
  description: 'Fresh Baby Nino Bananas',
  quantity: 13,
  name: 'Potatoes',
  description: 'Russet Potatoes',
  quantity: 14,
  name: 'Baking Powder',
  description: 'Baker\'s Supply HouseOrganic Baking Powder',
  quantity: 15,
  name: 'Sugar',
  description: 'Rogers Sugar Cubes',
  quantity: 16,
  name: 'Milk',
  description: 'Dairyland 1% Skim Milk',
  quantity: 17,
  name: 'Peppermint Tea',
  description: 'Tetley Pure Peppermint Tea',
  quantity: 18,
  name: 'Feta Cheese',
  description: 'Shepherd Gourmet Dairy Greek Sheep Feta Cheese',
  quantity: 19,

const getSeedProductData = () => {
  return data.products;

module.exports = { getSeedProductData };

All the functions that will used to read, insert, update and delete data will be placed in a file named product-data.js in a shared folder. Create a folder under api named shared.

Create a file named product-data.js in the shared folder and add to it the following code that seeds and reads data:

const CosmosClient = require("@azure/cosmos").CosmosClient;
const DbContext = require("../data/data-context");
const SeedData = require("../data/seed-data");

const client = new CosmosClient({ endpoint: ENDPOINT, key: KEY });
const database = client.database(DATABASE);
const container = database.container(CONTAINER);

const seedProducts = async () => {
let partition_key = JSON.parse(PARTITION_KEY);
await DbContext.create(client, DATABASE, CONTAINER, partition_key);

let iterator = container.items.readAll();
let { resources } = await iterator.fetchAll();

if (resources.length > 0) {
  return { "message": `The database is already seeded with   ${resources.length} products.` };
} else {
  const products = SeedData.getSeedProductData();

  products.forEach(async function (item) {
    const { resource: createdItem } = await      container.items.create(item);

  return { "message": `The database has been seeded with ${products.length} products.` };

const getProducts = async () => {
  let iterator = container.items.readAll();
  let { resources } = await iterator.fetchAll();
  return resources;

module.exports = {

Edit api/local.settings.json and add to it the following cosmos database settings in the Values section:

"PARTITION_KEY": "{ \"kind\": \"Hash\", \"paths\": [\"/name\"] }",
"KEY": "IioHwrKY5D7vcDmsSL05861234567890oQe0oqKdVh4Hrdk1234567890a7bmDFNUU7x1234567890kqxhIHEQ==",
"DATABASE": "Catalog",
"CONTAINER": "Products"

IMPORTANT NOTE: The values for ENDPOINT and KEY depend on your environment and matches the keys values for your Cosmos database instance. 
Also add this new section:

"Host": {
  "CORS": "*"

Let us add an Azure Function API endpoint that is responsible for seeding data. Click on the "Create Function..." icon as shown below.

Choose "HTTP trigger".

Provide the function name products-seed.

Once again we will choose Anonymous.

Edit api/products-seed/function.json, delete method get. Add the following route after methods[..]:

"route": "products/seed"

Replace api/products-seed/index.js with the following code:

const data = require('../shared/product-data');

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  try {
    const result = await data.seedProducts();
  } catch (error) {

The above code calls the seedProducts() function in shared/product-data.js.

Replace api/products-get/index.js with the following code:

const data = require('../shared/product-data');

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  try {
    const products = await data.getProducts();
  } catch (error) {

The above code reads all products from the Cosmos database.

Run your Azure Functions in VS Code by hitting CTRL F5 on your keyboard.

Let us seed some real data. Start Postman. Choose POST and enter the below endpoint:

If all goes well, the response will look like this:

Next, let's try a get request to read all the products:

You should see that all products are returned:

To complete the APIs, let us add these CRUD endpoints:

products-delete, products-get-one, products-post and products-put

Add these additional CRUD functions to shared/product-data.js:

const addProduct = async (productToAdd) => {
  // remove 'id' property from the JSON object

  let { product } = await container.items.create(productToAdd);
  return product;

const updateProduct = async (id, product) => {
  return await container.item(id,;

const readProduct = async (id) => {
  // query to return all items
  const querySpec = {
    query: "SELECT * FROM c WHERE'" + id + "'"

  // read all items in the Items container
  const { resources: items } = await container.items

  if (items.length > 0)
    return items[0];
    return {};

const deleteProduct = async (id, name) => {
  return await container.item(id, name).delete();

Remember to add these to the module.exports at the bottom of shared/product-data.js:


To complete the APIs needed, create four more Azure Functions named products-delete, products-get-one, products-post and products-put. Below is the code for each.

1) products-delete


"methods": ["delete"],
"route": "products/{id}"


const data = require('../shared/product-data');

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  const id =;
  const product = await data.readProduct(id);
  const name =;

  try {
    const { result } = await data.deleteProduct(id, name);
  } catch (error) {

2) products-get-one


"methods": ["get"],
"route": "products/{id}"


const data = require('../shared/product-data');

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  const id =;
  try {
    const product = await data.readProduct(id);
  } catch (error) {

3) products-post


"methods": ["post"],
"route": "products"


const data = require('../shared/product-data');

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
  const product = req.body;

  try {
    const newProduct = await data.addProduct(product);
  } catch (error) {

4) products-put


"methods": ["put"],
"route": "products/{id}"


const data = require('../shared/product-data');

module.exports = async function (context, req) {

  const id =;
  const product = req.body;

  try {
    const { updatedProduct } = await data.updateProduct(id, product);
  } catch (error) {

Blazor Client

Close VS Code and open a terminal window in the az-static-web-apps directory. Create a Blazor application in a blazor-app sub-directory with the following command:

dotnet new blazorwasm -o blazor-app

We need a solution file in the az-static-web-apps directory for the GitHub Actions workflow. Therefore, execute these commands to create a solution file and add to it the Blazor project:

dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add blazor-app/blazor-app.csproj

You can run the new Blazor application to see what the default template looks like by executing the below commands and then going to https://localhost:5001.

cd blazor-app
dotnet run

Open VS Code in the az-static-web-apps workspace directory.

Create a Models folder under blazor-app and add to it these new files:


Content of Constants.cs:

namespace blazor_app.Models {
  public class Constants {
    public static string BaseURL {
      get {
        return "http://localhost:7071/";
        //return "/";

Content of Product.cs:

namespace blazor_app.Models {
  public class Product {
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

    //public int Quantity { get; set; }

Add the following to _imports.razor so that the above classes are visible in the .razor pages.

@using blazor_app.Models

Delete Pages/Counter.razor & Pages/FetchData.razor.

Copy Index.razor to Add.razor.
Copy Index.razor to Delete.razor.
Copy Index.razor to Edit.razor.

Content of Index.razor

@page "/"
@inject HttpClient httpClient
@if (products == null)
  <NavLink class="btn btn-primary" href="/add">Add</NavLink>
  <NavLink class="btn btn-primary" href="/add">Add</NavLink>
  <table class='table table-hover'>

  @foreach (var item in products)

    <td><a type="button" class="btn btn-success"       href="/edit/@item.Id">Edit</a></td>
    <td><a type="button" class="btn btn-danger"       href="/delete/@item.Id">Delete</a></td>
@code {
  Product[] products;
  string baseUrl = Constants.BaseURL;
  protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    products = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<Product[]>($"{baseUrl}api/products");

Content of Add.razor

@page "/Add"
@inject HttpClient httpClient
@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager
<h1>Add a New Speaker</h1>

<EditForm Model="@product" OnValidSubmit="@HandleAdd" class="form-group">
<DataAnnotationsValidator />
<ValidationSummary />

First Name
<InputText placeholder="Name" id="name" @bind-Value="@product.Name" class="form-control"/>
<br />
Last Name
<InputText placeholder="Description" id="description" @bind-Value="@product.Description" class="form-control"/>
<br />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
<NavLink class="btn btn-success" href="/">Back</NavLink>

@code {
  private Product product = new Product();

  private async void HandleAdd() {
    string baseUrl = Constants.BaseURL;
    string endpoint = $"{baseUrl}api/products";

    await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(endpoint, product);


Content of Edit.razor

@page "/edit/{id}"
@inject HttpClient httpClient
@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager

<h1>Edit Product</h1>

<EditForm Model="@product" OnValidSubmit="@edit" class="form-group">
<DataAnnotationsValidator />
<ValidationSummary />

First Name
<InputText placeholder="Name" id="firstName" @bind-Value="@product.Name" class="form-control" />
<br />
Last Name
<InputText placeholder="Last Name" id="lastName" @bind-Value="@product.Description" class="form-control" />
<br />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
<NavLink class="btn btn-success" href="/">Back</NavLink>

@code {
    public string id { get; set; }
    Product product = new Product();
    string baseUrl = Constants.BaseURL;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        product = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<Product>($"{baseUrl}api/products/{id}");

    private async void edit()
        await httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync($"{baseUrl}api/Products/{id}", product);


Content of Delete.razor

@page "/delete/{id}"
@inject HttpClient httpClient
@inject NavigationManager NavigationManager

@if (product != null)
  <p>Are your sure you want to delete</p>
  <p>@product.Name <br /> @product.Description</p>
  <button type="button" @onclick="@del" class="btn btn-danger">Confirm Delete</button>
  <NavLink class="btn btn-success" href="/">Back</NavLink>

@code {
  public string id { get; set; }
  Product product;
  string baseUrl = Constants.BaseURL;

  protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
      product = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<Product>($"{baseUrl}api/products/{id}");

  private async void del()
      await httpClient.DeleteAsync($"{baseUrl}api/products/{id}");

Replace Shared/MainLayout.razor with the following:

@inherits LayoutComponentBase

<div class="main">
  <div class="content px-4">

Replace Shared/NavMenu.razor with the following:

@code {
  private bool collapseNavMenu = true;

  private string NavMenuCssClass => collapseNavMenu ? "collapse" : null;

  private void ToggleNavMenu()
    collapseNavMenu = !collapseNavMenu;

Let us test our solution to make sure that our Blazor app knows how to talk to the backend Node. js Azure Functions API.

In the api directory terminal window, run the following command to run the Azure Functions project:

func start

To start the Blazor application, in the blazor-app directory, run

dotnet run

Point your browser to http://localhost:5000 and you should see this:

Feel free to test out the Add, Edit and Delete functionalities. Meantime, bear in mind that no validations have been added to this application as it is purposely made simple for learning purposes.

Routing of URLs may not work all the time. You need to supply a routes.json file located in your Blazor app’s wwwroot directory to provide the global rewrite rule so that URLs will always work. The wwwroot/routes.json file should look like this:

  "routes": [
      "route": "/*",
      "serve": "/index.html",
      "statusCode": 200

GitHub repo

Stop both the Azure Functions & Blazor applications.

Now that our application works, we are ready to do the most exciting part of this walk-through, which is to deploy our solution to Azure Static Web Apps through GitHub.

Edit the Models/Constants.cs file in blazor-app.

return "http://localhost:7071/";
return "/";

This is necessary because the API and Blazor app will reside in the same web application. The Blazor app can access the API service through a simple relative address.

Let us upload our code into a GitHub repo. We need a suitable .gitignore file. The api directory already contains a .gitignore file. We do, however, need a .gitignore file in the blazor-app directory. Therefore, inside a terminal window in the blazor-app directory, execute the following command to create a suitable .gitignore file for our Blazor app.

Since the main repo directory will be parent directory of both api and blazor-app, delete the .git directory in the api folder.

dotnet new gitignore

Create a repository in GitHub and push your code into it.

Azure Static Web Apps

Let us use the new Azure service named “Azure Static Web Apps” announced by Microsoft at Build 2020.

Back in the Azure Portal, click on "+ Create a resource".
Enter 'static web app' in the filter field then choose 'Static Web App (preview)'.

Click on the blue Create button on the next page.

Enter details for your app and subsequently link into your GitHub account. This was my experience:

After you click on "Review + create", you will see the following confirmation page.

Click on Create. Once the Azure Static Web App is successfully provisioned, you will notice this message under Notifications.

Click on "Go to resource" to get to your application overview page.

When you click on the link beside "Workflow file", you will be led to a .yml workflow file in the GitHub repository.

When you click on Actions tab, you will notice that the workflow fails because it is missing values for app_location and app_artifact_location in the .yml file.

Before we set these values, we need to publish our Blazor application so that we only push release artifacts to Azure.

Edit the .github/workflows/??????.yml file and add the following two "Setup SDK and Build App" tasks to the .yml file before - name: Build And Deploy:

- name: Setup .NET SDK
  uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
    dotnet-version: 3.1.302
- name: Build App
  run: dotnet publish -c Release -o published

NOTE: Tab the above tasks until you eliminate validation errors in the online GitHub editor.

Next set the values for app_location and app_artifact_location to:

app_artifact_location     published/wwwroot

Commit your changes then click on the Actions tab. It is suggested that you make a pull on your source code in VS Code so that the latest changes involving the .yml file are updated.

Click on the workflow that was automatically triggered:

Click on 'Build and Deploy job' on the left-side.

After a short while, you should find that the job has completed successfully and that the application is successfully deployed to Azure.

Remember to do a pull on your code from the GitHub repository because there is a new and updated .yml created in Github.

Testing your deployed web app

Back in Azure, click on your web application’s endpoint:

There is a problem because products do not get loaded on the home page. This is because we did not add the environment variables that are required by the API app. Click on Configuration on the left-side navigation.

Use the following blade to add the missing environment variables. Copy these values from the api/local.settings.json file. Note that this file does not get pushed to your GitHub repo because it contains confidential information.

After adding the following environment variables, click on the Save button at the top:

PARTITION_KEY{ \"kind\": \"Hash\", \"paths\": [\"/name\"] }

If you run the application again you will find that it is working OK:

I hope you found this walkthrough useful.
