Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How do you find out the name of a feature from the GUID in SharePoint 2010?

While trying to import an exported site onto a different SharePoint instance, I encountered the following error:

The site template requires that the Feature {d57f4817-f1f9-42aa-863c-139804c731b0} be installed in the farm or site collection.
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Correlation ID: 59577f16-fffc-422c-8b16-458cfb62adaf

I needed to figure out what feature was missing on the destination SharePoint 2010 instance. The following Powershell command came in handy:

PS C:\> GET-SPFeature -Identity "d57f4817-f1f9-42aa-863c-139804c731b0"

DisplayName                    Id                                       Scope
-----------                    --                                       -----
FBAManagement                  d57f4817-f1f9-42aa-863c-139804c731b0     Site

It turned out that I had installed a codeplex "Forms Based Authentication Management" feature on the source site that facilitates managing forms-based authentication users with the aspnetdb.mdf database.

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