This tutorial describes processes and best practices for an
end-to-end continuous deployment and delivery of an Angular Application.
- Node.js, npm and angular-cli are installed on dev computer
- Angular is installed on your computer: npm install -g @angular/cli
- GIT is installed on the dev computer
- Developer has access to an account on VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) at
- Developer has an account on Azure (
Creating a simple Angular CLI app on dev computer:
Create an angular app using angular-cli:
new angular-hello-world
In order for Angular’s routing to work smoothly on Azure, it
is necessary to have a web.config
file in the root folder of the application. Therefore, create a web.config file in the src directory and add to it the
following code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rule name="Angular Routes"
<match url=".*" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile"
negate="true" />
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}"
matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" />
input="{REQUEST_URI}" pattern="^/(api)"
negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/" />
To enable the web.config file to be packaged with production code, edit the angular-cli.json file and add ‘web.config’ to assets, as follows:
. . . .
. . . .
Build app
Build the app using the following command:
build --prod
This produces the production version of the application into
the dist
folder. To test the trans-piled version of the app, point your browser to http://localhost:4200/dist.
You should see the same app as before, this time it is being served from
production code.
VSTS is Microsoft’s DevOps platform. Login into VSTS and
create a new project. In my case I created a new project named angular-hello-world.
Once the project is created in VSTS, it is time for us to
push our code to VSTS using GIT. Copy the address of the GIT repo so that we
can use it to sync our code.
Back at your computer, run the following commands from your command prompt to push the code into your projects VSTS git repository:
Back at your computer, run the following commands from your command prompt to push the code into your projects VSTS git repository:
git remote add origin {your-git-url-here}
git push -u origin master
In my case, this would be:
remote add origin
push -u origin master
Building the code in VSTS
The same steps that we carried out to build our app on the
development computer will be translated into tasks in VSTS. To build our app,
choose: Build & Release >>
Click on the “+ New definition” button:
Click on the “+ New definition” button:
On the “Select a
template” page, scroll to the bottom of the list and highlight item “Empty”, then click Apply:
Select “Hosted” in the “Default agent queue” drop-down-list:
Select “Hosted” in the “Default agent queue” drop-down-list:
This task will install all the npm dependencies:
The above task runs the command “npm install”. You do not need to make any changes to this task as it does exactly what we want it to do.
The above task runs the command “npm install”. You do not need to make any changes to this task as it does exactly what we want it to do.
Add another npm task to run “npm
run build” command, which is essentially a script in our package.json
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve",
"build": "ng build",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e"
Command: custom
Command and
arguments: run build --prod
Create release package
Click on the ‘Add Task’ button,
enter “archive”
in the search box, hover over the Archive Files task and click Add. Change the “Archive files” task as follows:
Display name: create release package
Display name: create release package
Root folder
(or file) to archive: dist
Prefix root
folder name to archive paths: UNCHECK
Publish release package
Next, we publish the zip we created in the last step. Click
on the Add Task button, enter
“publish build” in the search
box, hover over the Publish Build
Artifacts task and click Add:
name: Publish release package
Path to
Publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$(Build.BuildId).zip
Name: drop
Type: Server
That’s it for all our steps. Let’s
run the build! Click on Save and Queue >>
Save and Queue
in the top right hand corner.
On the next dialog, click on “Queue”
On the next dialog, click on “Queue”
Now the build will run for us. While that is happening let us turn on continuous integration so that when we make changes in our repository it will trigger a new build.
Click on the build number link in the in the top left-side corner. This will allow you to see progress of the build. When the build is completed without any errors, you will see a green “Build Succeeded” message as shown below:
Continuous Integration
We will need to setup continuous integration so that
whenever new code is committed then the build process is kicked off. Click on
the build as shown below:
Creating Release
Create a release definition by clicking on Build
& Release >> Releases:
Next, click on the blue “+ New definition” button. Under ‘Select a template’ select “Azure App Service Deployment” then click Next >:
Next, click on the blue “+ New definition” button. Under ‘Select a template’ select “Azure App Service Deployment” then click Next >:
On the next dialog, make sure that you have the right build name and enable “Continuous deployment”:
Choose your Azure subscription then click on the blue Authorize
After you log into your Microsoft account, the border around the “Azure subscription” field will change from red gray. Choose the correct azure web app in the “App Service name” field. Your release task will look like this:
After you log into your Microsoft account, the border around the “Azure subscription” field will change from red gray. Choose the correct azure web app in the “App Service name” field. Your release task will look like this: